Clothing are items worn around the human body. Usually, clothing consists of textiles or natural fabrics, but over the years it has also included artificial clothes made of animal skins and other artificial and synthetic products found in the soil, mixed together with other human waste and recycled clothes manufactured elsewhere. Clothing is not only utilitarian items used for practical function. They can also be socially fashionable statements.
The term ‘fashion’ came into being in 19th-century English, referring to the new style of dress people were adopting. Before that, clothing was functional – designed to provide warmth, and protection from the cold. It was worn as a working suit, to protect the skin in winter.
In recent decades, clothing for casual and dressy occasions have become separate, distinct categories. Fashion continues to refer to items of clothing intended to be worn as a cosmetic item. Clothing meant to be worn for the purpose of fashion, was created as a way of defining social status. Today, wearing the right clothing in a particular color or pattern has become important to being fashionable.
The primary focus of clothing today is to make people look good. It is not so much the function of clothing, but the way it is designed, the way it fits and the effect it has on the wearer. In particular, how it makes you feel. The art of fashion design continues to evolve and change with time. The designs may have developed initially as simple patterns, but today’s clothing has reached a level of complexity where clothes could be described as art.
Clothing is produced using factory machinery and by highly trained sewing professionals. This raises questions about who is producing and what kind of impact clothing has on people’s lives. Many argue that the impact is minimal compared to many other creations created by humans. However, clothing does affect us.
The production of clothing has led to the mass production of clothing. Many people, especially women, have experienced the disadvantage of being locked into a wardrobe. They have often spent a great deal of money keeping their wardrobes looking fresh. The invention of fashion has provided an opportunity for those locked into a wardrobe to refresh their clothing.
In addition to freshening up clothing, another advantage of the fast-paced world today is that clothing can be sported and worn again without causing any damage. With so many different brands and types of clothing, sportswear has also become a favorite choice for young people. Some sportswear brands have become synonymous with a specific sport, such as soccer, basketball and football.
As mentioned before, clothing has been produced in factories that employ hundreds of workers. With this in mind, it is important to look at what is done to the clothing. The main concern is that the clothing manufactured is made to last, that the clothing will withstand the work load and that it will look stylish and presentable when worn. A brand name is far less important than the look of the clothing.
Clothing that is made from natural fibers is always the best option. These fibers will never date, will not get damaged easily and will retain their beauty for years. A clothing item made from synthetics tends to fade, will get dirty very quickly and will look shabby after just a few washes. Synthetic clothing tends to be cheaper but will wear out more quickly.
As the baby boomer generation ages, they are interested in clothing trends. Fashion is something that appeals to them, so it stands to reason that this age group would demand more clothing. Baby boomers tend to value durability, good looks and affordability. This can mean that the younger generation may have to follow a more modern trend if they want to keep up with the clothing of their elders.
When parents purchase clothing, they usually select styles that will be suitable for their children. This is especially true of teenagers. Style for children and teenagers is extremely subjective and there is no standard style. What one teen may consider to be hip and fashionable will not appeal to another. Instead, they both must choose clothing that they think is most appropriate for them.
As children grow and enter into adolescence, the fashion they select continues to change. Teenagers will often dress in jeans and tees that are similar to those worn by adults. This does not mean that they will be following a different path. Instead, teenagers will develop a sense of style and begin to explore the many choices in clothing. During the teen years, clothing becomes even more important because teenagers are trying to find a way to impress the people they most care about. They want to stand out in a crowd.